Japan Food Journal, Day 10

Once again we failed at eating normal meals. I think almost everything we consumed came from a convenience store today. Thankfully concenience store food in Japan is really good, and fresh.

Breakfast on the train consisted of things purchased from a convenience store the day before.

Egg and ham sandwichs (4.5/5), and a creamy fruit beverage (3.5/5). They have our name and room number on them because we had a communal fridge at Ricksaw Inn.
  Taste like bread dough with chocolate. Karl thinks it should be baked in the oven for five minutes. 3/5

Torokeru choco cookie lemon yogurt. It has a slight medicine twang but I like it. 3/5

Train Snacks

Water and Silky Boss Coffee – the coffee was a bit strong.


Tomato flavored pretzel sticks. Savory and yummy. 5/5


Not sure if this is green tea flavored or seaweed, but it seems to be a seasoned rice cracker. 3/5


Sort of like puffy rice crackers with chocolate. 3.5/5


Muscadine juice? My new favorite beverage.


Freshly made hot pocket things from 711.


A thick spongy bun with a fragrant beef filling. Very tasty! 5/5


We’re guessing this one is either pirk or chicken but we’re not sure. 4/5

We’re feeling a bit wore out today so more convenience store food for us.


Some sort of cheesy pasta with shrimp and seasonings I can’t identify. 3.5/5


pan seared gyozao 3.5/5



sweeted mochi? (sort of a fine, sticky rice ball.)


subtle peach flavor. Teminds us of Clearly Canadian.



Very tart. 2/5