Happy Thanksgiving!

Karl and I have been out of town the past week on a Carribean cruise to Yucatan and Cozumel, Mexico. It was a much-needed break for both of us. We ate three meals a day, explored the Carnival Fantasy, the smallest ship in the Carnival fleet, caught up on a lot of sleep, and explored some ancient ruins in Mexico. We didn’t expect to make it home in time for Thanksgiving with our family, but we were able to leave the ship earlier than expected and drove straight home which enabled us to have a little family time and enjoy a nice Thanksgiving meal.


Arriving in port this morning was quick the shocker temperature wise. The Mexican sun is intense so I wore shorts and tank tops most of the cruise. This morning I was wishing I had long pants and a sweater instead of my workout capris and a light jacket. It was so nice to give my brain a break from grad school pressures for a few days. Grad school anxiety kicked in big time yesterday and is about to take over for the next two weeks. I feel a bit anxious taking the time to write this quick blog but I need to unload somewhere. This semester has been so intense. I really bit off more than I should have and it’s made me both miserable and negative, especially in regards to grad school, but I’m hoping a less intense load in the spring will brighten my attitude. I could go on and on about how miserable this semester has been but that’s not the point of this post.

The point of this post is to record some of the things I’m most thankful for this year, especially since it’s been such an eventful year. So off the top of my head, here are 10 things I’m thankful for this year.

  1. I’m thankful to be alive. There are no words that can accurately describe how vulnerable, but also how fortunate I feel to still be alive. It’s been seven months since I was hospitalized due to blood clots in my lungs and I still have moments where I am just overwhelmed with feelings of all sorts from how close a brush with death I had, but also with feelings of gratitude to the doctors and nurses that cared for me, especially Dr. Sewell. I choke up every time I see him because I am just so thankful that he was so thorough in his examination. Honestly, I’m still in a bit of shock from the experience, and I feel silly for admitting it. I keep reminding myself not to compare my situation to others but it’s hard not to seek some sort of reference point. I think that my experiences have given me a little insight and more compassion for others that have gone through health scares. Hopefully, that bit will stay with me and the feelings of shock and fear will eventually fade.
  2. I’m thankful for my husband. I’m a very independent and prideful person so it hurts a little to admit just how much I depend on Karl. I never wanted to depend on anyone but this boy spoils me rotten and I am so grateful for him. Karl is my rock. He keeps me grounded, balances out my personality quirks, and is a selfless provider. He never makes me feel guilty for anything, and always encourages and supports me in my endeavors. I’ve put him through quite the ringer the last few years but he’s still holding up like a champ, which is great, because I would be falling apart if it wasn’t for his support and care. I truly don’t know how I managed to get so lucky, or what he saw in me so many years ago and continues to see, but I am so thankful for him.
  3. I’m thankful for my family, especially my mom. This past year has been tough. My family is always awesome, but my mom especially stepped up when I began having health issues. She’s a busy bee that is constantly on the go and helping and doing for everyone. I don’t know where she gets the energy or motivation to do so but I sure feel lucky. 
  4. I’m thankful for good friends. I’m very fortunate to be able to call so many wonderful people friends. There are quite a few that have helped me greatly this year, even if it was just by listening to me rant over and over again about school or health concerns. I’d especially like to shout out to my DragonConForums friends, and to my gaming buddies. Karl and I both have continued to grow closer to our DCF friends, most of whom feel like family. They are a truly wonderful group and I’m so glad I stumbled into the forum and drug Karl along to a meet and greet with them a few years ago. I’d also like to give a special shoutout to my gaming buddies that helped distract me from my health concerns over the summer. It was super fun while it lasted, hopefully, we’ll all have the chance to game together again one day when I’m not so busy with school.
  5. I’m thankful for video games. This probably sounds silly, but this is my escape. It’s the only thing that really helps me destress, and I’ve made some really good friends through gaming. I haven’t had much time to destress this semester so I’m really looking forward to Christmas break.
  6. I’m thankful we’ve made some progress on the house. We are finally at the halfway point with our work on the house. We had drywall installed in our laundry room, hallway, and 2nd bedroom (my studio). We’ve painted most of the spaces, and just have some finishing details like floor repairs, baseboards, and trim left and they’ll be completely done. I feel so much better mentally just seeing walls and fresh paint in these spaces. I can’t wait to finalize them and get everything back in its place.
  7. I’m thankful to be working towards my goals even if grad school is driving me crazy.
  8. I’m thankful there are only two weeks left in this semester.
  9. I’m thankful Karl and I were able to go on vacation and have some quality time together. It still doesn’t seem like that long ago that Karl and I could barely afford to keep our cars running much less go on vacation. I’m especially thankful for this vacation because grad school is really hard on both of us and we really needed some time to relax and focus on us.
  10. I’m thankful for the life we have. It may not be what we envisioned, but we have so much to be grateful for. 

I sincerely hope the coming year brings good fortune to our friends, our loved ones, and the world. Happy Thanksgiving!




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