Busy Busy Busy


So I feel a little guilty that my post are never as frequent, and never deal with the topics I would like them to, so here’s my excuse.  “I’ve been busy.”

I’m enjoying my job more and more every day. It’s so nice to clock out at the end of my shift and not take any work home with me. And because most of the work I do is pretty repetitive, mostly image clipping, retouching, photography, and illustration, I’ve been able to learn many of the tools really well, and learn new tools and methods as well.

Fall semester is almost over and I’m running a bit behind on my graphic design project due to time and equipment constraints. I work with CS5 at home and then save down to CS4 in order to print at school since I don’t currently have a color printer at home. My saved-down files always seem to have issues when I try to open them at school and I can’t exactly run home, fix the files, and return to the lab. I’ve been printer shopping for a few weeks now and finally placed an order with B&H for an Epson R1900. I read a ton of reviews and talked to people that have used it and feedback has been pretty positive. I can’t wait to get the printer in. It will be so convenient for so much of my work. No more driving back and forth from my house to the lab to try to print my work. YAY!

I can’t believe Novemeber is almost over. I feel like October just ended. October was a fun month. Karl and I made a day trip to Helen, Georgia, a small Alpine inspired town that has the longest running Octoberfest in the world. We did a little shopping, ate authentic German food, and got a little lost in a giant corn maze.

Earlier this month I attended a small anime convention in Huntsville, AL called Hama-Con. I dressed up in my awesome Harry Potter Regalia and saw a lot of people I recognized from CrisisCon (held a few months earlier at the same location.) This was a really nice little con. I really love the atmosphere at fan conventions, and I love to take pictures of people in their costumes. I’ll add some to this blog later, but until I do you can find some photos from the convention in the 2010 album at carolandkarl.com.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 came out in theaters a few days ago. I attended the midnight show with some friends and family, and dressed up in my HP gear with both my Elder wand replica and a light up wand, all of which rocked the socks off of everyone. Double Yeah!

Anyways, I’m currently working on both my Hauteur project and on coming up with ideas for my senior show for next semester. I have a couple hundred different visuals in my head for my show but I’m trying to pull some sort of concept out of the crazy mess in my mind.

Some of the topics that appeal to me are: communication, community, identity, reality vs virtual realities, literature, philosophy, and some other fun, whimsical, or surreal stuff. I wish I could just do a bunch of stuff without a concept, but a concept is part of the senior show requirement. blah blah blah



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