Guardians of the City

This morning I dreamed I was part of a six person team tasked with protecting a beautiful Italian city from a demon invasion. I met my team on a large high balcony overlooking the city and ocean. We then traveled to the edge of the city where we wound our way through some catacombs that opened into a large cave. At the end we walked into a large roundish room with an giant set of ancient doors. Apparently these doors, or most likely the portal behind them, weakened every so many centuries. Keeping the barrier stable wasn’t usually a problem but one of our six team members, which just so happened to be Severus Snape, was missing so we were all nervous.

The doors burst open and there was a sudden onslaught of demons and monsters that looked mostly goblin in nature. I remember looking through the door and seeing the inside of a multi-level cavern illuminated with firelight and lava. It was pretty neat. There was a lot of fighting and I performed a lot of sweet moves but I remember getting partially knocked out or waking up from being knocked out and the invasion being on the brink of breaking through. Apparently letting just one monster through would have the potential to let the rest through because once through they can open portals for the others from anywhere. Anyways, my team and I just barely managed to seal the barrier (temporarily). We knew we had about a day before it would weaken so we all made our way back to the citadel to heal, rest, and prepare for the next day.

Back at base I tried to figure out why Severus wasn’t with us. The last things I remember were hurriedly gathering weapons to return to the weakening portal, and learning that Severus had been held up by some sort of necromancer that was trying to help the demon invasion succeed.

lol. I’d say I’ve been watching too many movies but I haven’t. It was a fun dream full of drama. Neat. #dreams #snapeismyhero

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