Grocery Boy


And this is why Karl usually shops by himself. Seriously. Okay, maybe I don’t sit in the cart, but this body language is very accurate. It took nearly a decade, but Karl and I finally came to a shopping arrangement that works for us both: I make the lists and he goes to the store. I don’t like going to the store by myself, shopping by myself is kind of boring, so I like for Karl to go with me, but Karl doesn’t like to look around the store for 2-3 hours at a time. Also, Karl and I are both aware that I have a thing for retail therapy so it’s unwise to leave me unsupervised. Even when accompanied by Karl I’ll slip in the random candy bar, exotic fruit, or cosmetic product. Sometimes I’m obvious about it, but usually I just stash something in the buggy under a bunch of stuff so Karl does’t notice it until we check-out. It’s not like it’s ever anything expensive. Now that I think about it, it is rather childish. I guess I don’t want him to say no, but it’s also kind of fun. Let’s just say it’s a game. If my item makes it to the check-out lane before Karl notices I get to keep the thing. If he notices before we get to the check-out lane I usually feel guilty enough to put the thing back. Needless to say, this is why Karl does the shopping.