|Welcome to my new blog, which is primarily an experiment with wordpress.
I hope to start adding content soon.
Karl and I saw the G.I. JOE movie today, it wasn’t great but it was a good watch. I really liked a few of the characters, especially the baroness. I should go look up the actress since I didn’t catch her name in the credits.
Yesterday I picked up a book on the japanese language called ‘Japanese DeMYSTiFieD’, I’ve already read the first couple of chapters. I really wish JSU offered more foreign languages. I studied Latin and German in highschool and would have loved the opportunity to continue study in either. Right now I’m torn between studying German and Japanese on my own. I have books and cds on both, I would probably have more personal use for German since part of my husbands family is German and my brother’s girldfriend is German, but then again I watch a lot of anime so I hear Japanese more often than German. When Karl and I have kids I hope we can find a primary school that teaches multiple languages.
Classes start back in about 2 weeks and I am so not ready. I went to school full time this summer and have been working on volunteer projects. Those activities have taken up so much of my time I don’t feel like I’ve had a summer break at all. I did manage to go to St. Augustine, Florida for a week which was nice, but I’ve barely touched a couple of the items on my summer to-do/goal list. The fast passing of time has gotten me feeling very down. -sigh-
Here’s a little pick-me-up video Karl’s gotten me addicted to.
(transfered from previous blog)