We’re moving!

Woot! Woot! Karl and I bought a new house! We closed on the new house yesterday and showed it to the family last night. We’ve lived in our current home almost 14 years so this is a big change for us. The change is somewhat bittersweet for me, but Karl is pumped to finally be moving out of downtown Anniston.

We had talked about moving for a long time for various reasons. A few months ago Karl said to me ‘…I’m almost 40, I want a nice house.’ and so I agreed to go ahead and start looking at houses with our plan being to start seriously looking in the spring. Well, wouldn’t you know as soon as we mentioned we were interested in moving to my mom she started sending us links to houses and a few weeks later we had a real estate agent. We originally looked at homes in Jacksonville but decided Golden Springs would be a better fit for us. We weren’t having any luck finding a decent place when all of a sudden our new place came back on the market due to an active break clause (an offer had been made on the house but the buyers couldn’t secure financing.) Karl and I asked to see the house right away, then found out another offer was being put in on it, and that the original buyers had to be given up to 48 hours for another chance at securing financing. With two other potential buyers in play we really weren’t expecting to get the house, but we put an offer in just in case. I got a call the next day from our agent letting me know the sellers had accepted our offer. Exciting! We closed on the house only three weeks later. It was crazy fast thanks to the home inspection and repairs already being completed as part of the previous contract.

We are super excited about this big change. Our new place is huge, so there is plenty of space for us both to work and to entertain. It’s also a one-story house which will be great for Karl and my aging knees. Best of all, it’s in a great neighborhood with a low crime rate that will be great for walks. Woohoo! 

Karl and I in front of our new place.
Karl and I in front of our new place.


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