I woke Karl up and made him go home a little after midnight. I had trouble sleeping after he left so I was given a sleeping pill around 2:30 am and it knocked me out, well mostly. I was in and out of sleep from 3:30 am to 11:30 am. I’m glad hospitals aren’t like hotels with strict check out times. Mom arrived around 11:30 and packed me up and we officially left the hospital a little after noon. Dropped my script off at CVS and grabbed lunch at Mata’s II while we waited for it to be filled. Mom helped me get settled into bed at home and I passed out till Karl got home.
Day 5, Discharge Day!
My last hospital meal: French toast, sausage, mandarin oranges. #bleh
Freedom! No more IV. I was so happy to have it removed.
I was given a sleeping pill around 2:30am and was out of it until almost midday. I’m glad they let me take my time getting out of the room. I was barely functional until after 11am.
Mom packed my stuff up and then read her book till we were set to go.
Discharge day!
I’m so thankful for all my moms help. I didn’t even have to ask, she was just there.
Happy to be going home.
Farewell Heart Monitor
Bye bye uncomfortable Oxygen thing – You will not be missed.
Outside my room.
On the other side.
Mom got all my stuff loaded up.
Picking up my meds.
Bruise update. This pattern is neat.
Dined at the new Mata’s location for the first time.
My mom is silly.
I was more hungry than I thought. Pretty sure I ate over half of this.