Recovery, Week 2

I’ve been feeling much improved this past week. My stamina is still super low and my heart rate jumps pretty easily but I can breathe well. I’ve spent most of this week resting. I’m tired of sleeping most of the day but I know it’s what my body needs right now. The numbness in my face and extremities has gotten more tolerable. My back still hurts a lot but not like last week. I have noticed some sharp pains in my chest the last few nights but I assume I’ll experience a little pain from time to time as my body works to break down the clots. I had a follow-up appointment on Monday and was told I’m doing well. I was also told that I’m lucky to be alive which kind of kicked my emotions around again. I don’t know how close to something super serious I was and I wish I did so I could sort of quantify my emotions accordingly.

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